Community Forum: Igenda or WEgenda: How do we Define “We”? What is the Place of the “I” in the Interaction?
The 2015 Community Forum, “Igenda or WEgenda: How do we define “we”? What is the place of the “I” in the interaction?” will address a range of issues such as: generational differences, the implications of the Deafhood movement for interpreters, the power of our words and exploring the difference between having access and having to ask for access, our interface with the emerging field of CDI’s and future trends in the Deaf and interpreting communities. Moderators, Carol-Lee Aquiline and Lynnette Taylor will be joined by presenters Wing Butler, Patrick Graybill and Marvin Miller to frame the evening’s discussion. Dennis Cokely, Sarah Hafer and Erica West Oyedele will join in a panel discussion that follows. Participants will have the opportunity to come together in small group discussions to respond to the issues raised and then share in an open forum. Our goal is to identify a series of doable actions that can be taken individually and collectively. We close the evening by celebrating our cultural heritage with poetry from Patrick Graybill and David Rivera.