Continuing Education Center

Law Enforcement Independent Study Guide - Track C (Study Guide ONLY)

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The Law Enforcement Interpreting for Deaf Persons book is needed to complete the study guide. If you already have the book you may purchase the study guide here through the Continuing Education Center. If you need to purchase the book you must purchase the book and study guide bundle through the membership portal at:

Independent Study Guide - Track C: complementing the text of Law Enforcement by Tara Potterveld. Track C has one hundred questions that correspond to the ten specific chapters in the manual, Law Enforcement Interpreting for Deaf Persons. The questions in these tracks include multiple-choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blanks, and brief written answers. Most answers are found in the manual, however, some questions require the user to do web-based research or create a visual recording of oneself. In some cases, there may be more than one correct answer to a question and it is more important to be able to justify and support the answer you have provided. The web-based research will assist in learning the laws and codes particular to the jurisdiction where you live and work. Purchase this if you already own a copy of the Law Enforcement text and need only the study guide.

2.0 Professional Studies Legal CEUs


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Independent Study Guide
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